Monday, December 1, 2008

Craig's Crash

Craig got tossed off one of the horses at the Ranch on Thanks- giving day. Apparent- ly the saddle was not on tight enough, even though the mountain man had checked it and tightened it before they left for their ride.  He landed on a big half-buried boulder, which cracked his face open and left him with a nasty black eye.  He got 4 stitches in the cut above his eye.  He also landed on his shoulder, which is bruised and sore.  He has had a lot of swelling and pain around his eye socket.  Megan told everyone at church yesterday that he got his wounds from Ultimate Fighting.   We all thought that was too funny.


Aubrey said...

Oh man, that looks brutal! I hope you were able to enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving. We miss you guys!

Westmoreland Family said...

Ultimate Fighting?? Where'd she get that from? Poor Craig, that doesn't look too good. Hope the rest of the day went better.

sherrie said...

wow! we're glad that's all that happened to him! what ranch were you at? hope he feels better soon.

Motley Mom said...

I saw Craig's stitches, but didn't even notice his eye! Glad I didn't hear Megan's explanation...I would have probably believed her!! Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!!